Jim Sinclair

The B.C. Federation of Labour represents 500,000 workers throughout the province. Jim Sinclair was elected President of the B.C. Federation of Labour on May 14, 1999, by the Federation's governing body, its Executive Council. He was acclaimed President by Convention in 2000 and 2002 and re-elected in 2004. Jim has been an articulate and active leader in the labour movement for more than 25 years. As a staff member for the UFAWU since 1982, he was the lead negotiator in industry-wide negotiations with major fish processing companies. Prior to his work in the fishing industry. He has been active in the labour movement in BC through his participation on the B.C. Federation of Labour Executive Council and committees since the mid seventies. Jim currently sits on the Board of Directors for Working Enterprises Ltd., the Working Opportunity Fund, and BC Citizens for Public Power.


Jim Sinclair spoke to us in May 2012.


Midsummer Festival

Each June we have a booth at the Midsummer Festival on the grounds of the Scandinavian Community Centre. In addition to handing out information about our club, we also sign up new members. Everyone is invited to come out to enjoy this fun annual event. If you have time available, why not consider volunteering to help with our booth?

Christmas Party


In December, instead of our usual monthly dinner meeting, we have our annual Christmas party. Our guests are welcomed into the hall by the cheerful sounds of the Runeberg Choir. We have a fabulous Scandinavian Christmas dinner, followed by dancing to live music.

Monthly Dinners

Our dinner schedule for 2024 will be: Feb 14th, Apr 10th, TBD. Social hour starts at 6:00pm, dinner at 7:00pm and the dinner speaker starts at about 8:00pm. The dinner is Scandinavian and usually starts with herring and salmon open-faced sandwich appetizers and ends with coffee/tea and delicious Scandinavian desserts. The theme for the after dinner talk is usually business related and hopefully with a Scandinavian connection but we also schedule other speakers of interest. Two meetings of the year we have no speaker. Instead, in February we have our Annual General meeting where we discuss business for the upcoming year and elect our new board of directors. In June, we have our annual joke-telling contest and discover who, among us, is the best teller of jokes.