President's Message
March 28, 2024


Hello club members and friends! 

Spring is here, and the days are getting longer!

We are excited to get together for our April meeting “Spring has Sprung Social”.  
Now is the perfect time to spotlight the Scandinavian Business Club. We create great opportunity to demonstrate the fellowship we enjoy. We promote the interests and many amazing businesses owned and operated by our members and communities around BC. We celebrate our Scandinavian heritage and businesses in our community.

If interest prevails, we are tentatively planning a Picnic social in August, stay tuned for more details.

I will be traveling to Norway in May and looking forward to celebrating the Norwegian Constitution day May 17th, with parades, traditional foods and festivities in Oslo, Norway.

Some of you have asked about our bursary application this year. We will have our website updated shortly including application deadline etc.

Work is underway to relocate the “Munin” Viking ship at the end of the Scandinavian Community Centre property, I hope you will be able to attend the ribbon cutting ceremony set for Saturday May 18th at Noon.

The board are looking forward to seeing all of you April 10th at 6PM, and encourage you to bring out new people and help revitalize the club. Bring your significant other, friends and relatives. We’re always looking for new speakers so please contact me if you are interested or know someone that is.

Thank you for supporting our Club.

Solvi Stokholm

President, Scandinavian Business Club of BC

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