President's Message
October 2024
Hello everyone!
It was good to see everyone at our October event. I learned a thing or two about how important it is to take care of our lymph and immune system. Thank you, Sandi.
The next meeting is the AGM that is planned for Tuesday November 12th, and we ask that you consider joining the board of directors for a term or two. If you know someone that is interested in joining the board, put their name forward and we will contact them.
November speaker is Kasia Fryklund. Please see the events calendar on our website.
We are entering the season of Christmas craft markets, events and gatherings at the Scandinavian Community Centre.
This year on Sunday December 8th we are collaborating with the Norwegian House Society for our annual Christmas Lunch at 12:30 PM with a Santa visit. It’s a family event for young, old and everyone in between. More information to follow.
If you have ideas and would like to join us, please give me a call 778-773-5524.
I’m looking forward to seeing all of you and encourage you to bring out new people. We’re always looking for new speakers so please contact me if you are interested or know someone that is.
For the November 12th meeting we will have “wear your favorite Scandinavian sweater”, if you have one, and this time we will have a prize!
On this Remembrance Day, we honor the extraordinary heroes who gave everything to protect our nation. Their bravery will never be forgotten.

Solvi Stokholm
President, Scandinavian Business Club of BC
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